Monday, September 16, 2013


As a new believer I was instructed that you are supposed to have daily devotions.  You must have a "quiet time" with the Lord.  For years I have tried to make this a regular part of my life.  I'll admit, at times I have done really well and at other times...sometimes for long stretches...not so much.

But I have always known it was important.  When I was really little, I remember learning the books of the Bible when my dad would lead us in family devotions.  He would come home from work, sit down on the couch and my sister and I would untie his work boots.  I loved that because the top 4 or 5 weren't eyelets but loops and dirt from work would often be dried in there and unlacing them meant shooting a little dirt clod across the room in an effort to release the captive shoe lace.  Dad would then do some form of devotions with us and I remember learning to recite the books of the Old Testament specifically.  Apparently I eventually learned the New Testament as well because I do know them in order.

I was even taught a song about devotions as a kid:

Read your Bible, pray every day,
pray every day, pray every day.
Read your Bible, pray every day,
and you'll grow, grow, grow.

Neglect your Bible, forget to pray,
forget to pray, forget to pray.
Neglect your Bible, forget to pray,
and you'll shrink, shrink, shrink.

In high school, my best friend and I  would end up over at our Pastor's house occasionally and they would include us in their family devotions at night before they sent their children to bed.

I had devotions modeled for me by multiple people as I was growing up.

Unfortunately life gets busy and if you aren't intentional about it, devotions can fall down the priority ladder. Busyness creeps in, responsibilities mount and there never seems to be enough time for God.

At least that's what I thought...

I was praying this morning and God impressed upon my heart the phrase, "Everyone does devotions."  As I continued to pray God revealed to me the truth of that statement.  The only problem is that they don't always include nor are they directed toward God.

If you will honestly evaluate your use of time then your "devotions" become evident.  What are you devoted to?  What "thing" is the object of your devotion?

For some it's a job, possibly a hobby or maybe an indulgence of their flesh.  But it is there!  You may not realize it, but it is there.  We all do devotions.

Hopefully your devotions involve you and your maker.

I've had people tell me that they just don't have time for devotions.

Matthew 6:21 and Luke 12:34 say it well, "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

You are devoted to something.  How are you spending your time?

So the question isn't, "Have you done your devotions today?"

But rather, "Who or what are you devoted to?"

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