Monday, November 25, 2013

Cheese Touch!

I went to my daughter's school the other day to have lunch with her.  I do this once or twice a month and she and I both look forward to it.  She loves it because she loves when I show up at the school and I love it because I love seeing my daughter and I still like school pizza.  Yes, I go visit my daughter on pizza day at school.  Her whole class gets involved.  Some days the boys want to arm wrestle me.  Other days I'm the audience for "Look at this" which involves various tricks in the line of "look what I can do."

So this particular day I was enjoying my daughter and my pizza when I was introduced to the "cheese touch."  I was in the middle of a deep conversation with one of Abby's classmates about the merit of eating Fruit Loops without milk using a fork when all of a sudden my daughter reached over, touched me with her finger and declared, "Cheese Touch!"

She could have declared, "Monkey sidewalk running bubbles!" and it would have had as much meaning for me.

"What does that mean, honey?"

"It means you have to keep your fingers crossed so you don't get a cheese touch" is what she said.

Wait, what?  That doesn't help me.

"Monkey sidewalk running bubbles."  She could have said that and given me exactly the same amount of information.

All I knew was that I had to keep my fingers crossed as I ate my food so as not to contract what I could only assume was an incurable case of cheese touch.

We finished lunch and I stood with Abby in line, fingers crossed, while she waited for her teacher to come pick them up from the lunch room.  That day happened to be "wear your favorite sports team's shirt" day and Abby and I were wearing Pittsburgh Steelers shirts.  Me, because that is my team.  Abby, well, because that is my team.  My wife asked me to send her a picture of the two of us so I got out my camera.  One thing led to another and before I knew it her whole class was involved.

She went back to class and I went back to wondering what a cheese touch was and how I could recover from it.

Now I realize that I am a man in his 40's who doesn't really care that much about pop culture so I am out of the loop on what is popular or trendy.

For example, I was chatting with a teenager from our church the other day as they were waiting to leave for a weekend retreat.  She had sprained her ankle and in the course of conversation she told me that she felt like a "non-functioning, tasteless noodle."


Once again I interjected my standard question, "What does that mean?"

"It means I don't have any sauce," she said.

"Monkey sidewalk running bubbles." is what I heard.

Being disconnected from teenage cool, I had to probe deeper.  I had to ask her if that was a teenage subculture thing that they all understand or just a teenager flourishing in their spiritual gift of randomness.

It was randomness.

While I may no longer be in the same zip code with what teenagers are into, I do have a secret decoder ring at my disposal...Google!

Google serves me well when I come across things that I don't get.  For instance, Google helped me understand why it should be even remotely interesting to me to find out What Does the Fox Say?

I assure you it still doesn't matter to me but at least now I know why.

Anyway, back to the cheese touch.  After using the secret decoder ring I learned about the cheese touch.

Here is a short video to explain:

Having the cheese touch is like having "nuclear cooties!"  I love that line!

I learned that the only way to avoid it is to keep something crossed!  So that is why I had to eat my pizza with my fingers, or eyes, or legs or something crossed.  Heaven forbid I leave the school with nuclear cooties.

Nuclear cooties.  Now I'm relatively sure none of you are probably thinking, "It bet that is in the Bible!"

But I believe it is, kind of.

Matthew 9:20-22, Mark 5:25-34 and Luke 8:43-48 all record the biblical story of the "cheese touch."  Only it is the story of the woman with the issue of blood.  She had been bleeding for 12 years, had seen every doctor she could and had spent all of her money trying to recover.  Problem was, in that society she would have been ostracized for having that infirmity.  In essence, she had nuclear cooties, she had the cheese touch.  Having done everything she could to fix the situation she turned to Christ.  She wasn't looking to pass it on, she was looking to be free.  She touched the hem of His garment and was immediately made whole.  Her bleeding stopped.  Jesus turned to look at her and told her that her faith had made her well.

It didn't take having her fingers crossed but rather one touch from the Man who would die on the cross for her to be healed.

So what is your cheese touch?  What is that thing you just can't seem to get rid of?  Take it to Jesus.

Isaiah 53:5  But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities;  the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed.

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