Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Lordy! Lordy! Look who really has always wished something else rhymed with 40!

T-minus 30 days and counting!  The race is on.  It is October 30th, 2012 and in 30 days I will enter a new decade-my 40's.  So here are a few observations to begin my last month of my 30's. 
~To be honest, I don't really mind turning 40, I just can't believe it is already here. 
~Inside of me lives a teenager who doesn't recognize the old man he sees in the mirror every morning. 
~My daughter thinks I would make a good Santa Claus because I am getting gray in my beard and I have "a belly full of jelly."
~I weigh much more now than when I graduated High School (I'm pretty sure if they reallocated, I would end up with electoral votes of my own.)
~I am still able to hold my own with a bunch of High School kids playing two hand touch football.  Its the days that follow that reveal the difference.  Aches and pains, pulls and strains.
~Some people say looking back that they wouldn't change a thing....I would.  I wish "old" me could talk to "young" me and "young" me would listen.
~I love going to work everyday and I love spending time with my family.
~All things considered, God has blessed me with a great life.

Now for a few things I want to improve on in my 40's.
~I want to focus more on building memories than acquiring stuff.
~I want to plant a garden.
~I want to figure how to get that woodpecker to leave my cedar siding alone.
~I want to wish "Happy Birthday" to all my facebook friends on their birthdays.  (right now I don't even bother because I miss so many I don't want to wish some and not others.  So to all my FB friends...Happy Birthday whenever your's was in 2012.)
~I want to learn  how to properly use the settings, beside auto, on our camera.
~I want to spend more time writing.
~I want running to be a part of my routine rather than a high and lofty ambition.
~I want to know God deeper than I ever have before.
~I want my family to know how much I love them.

For those of you who might have viewed my blog before, you will notice that everything that was here is now gone.  I'm getting a new start.  Hopefully the things you read will cause you to think deeply, not wonder how you will ever get the last few minutes of your life back because you read what I've written.

So onward I march into my 40's....I will boldly go where I have never gone before!

P.S.  I get to spend about 4 months in the same decade as my brother and then, "Nifty, nifty..."

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